NEWS - I'm back!
Please, try to contain your excitement, it's overwhelming. It would appear my weblog can maintain a small level of traffic on its own even in my absence, although it also appears that I've received some rather negative feedback while on vacation as well. My blog rating dropped from *gasp* 9.9 to 9.8, and it seems a good number of people responded to my poll with the opinion that my site layout is hideous. Ah well. That's soon to change anyways. As soon as I finish building my stupid computer. The Fates seem eternally against me in my endeavor to own my own PC though. Nevertheless, it is rumored that my missing parts are shipping, and the appropriate amount of money is now missing from my account, however I am lacking any sort of tracking number and am somewhat wary about taking MStar for their word. We'll see in the next day or two if the parts show up. Until then, I'm sitting on a computer with just enough missing parts to make it absolutely useless. Despite the continuing frustration of trying to get my computer built, I will be posting as usual this week. In fact, my vacation has provided me with a few new thoughts to post. Be looking for my first one later today, on what to do with laser tag cheaters.