NEWS - Site Update
According to the recent poll results, 50% of you voted that you would definitely like to see a commenting feature added to my site so you could share your opinions on my opinions. There were no votes against such a feature, however there was an unfortunate 16.7% who opted for "What do I care? Not like I'm coming back to this site again...", to whom I can safely say go rot in hell, since they're not going to be coming back this way to defend themselves anyways. The remaining 33.3% of the votes were interesting enough cast in favor of "Inane isn't a word. You must have misspelled insane." To those individuals, I would like to briefly direct you to Dictionary.com, thank you very much. So without further ado, your commenting script. Simply click on "Hailing Frequencies Opened" at the end of any post and put in your two cents. Then as long as you're being so generous, feel free to toss another two cents at my paypal link. ;-) Oh, and since the overwhelming majority finds my halfassed color scheme hideous, I'll be reworking that today too. I probably won't have time for a substantial post then, so I'll just leave you with another case of Floridiocy, with a sixth grader getting arrested for stomping in a puddle.