
COMMENTARY - Blogs are dumb

Blogs are dumb. For starters, what's with the name "blog"? Was "weblog" too long with the whole two extra letters? And if so, why not call it a "webl"? Okay, I suppose if you HAD to shorten "weblog" because you have some sort of aversion to words with two or more syllables, "blog" does sound better than "webl", but I still find the entire premise of abbreviating the word in the first place ridiculous. My other complaint about blogs is, who really cares what you have to say anyway? It's like a discussion board, minus the discussion. Most people probably stumble across your blog by mistake, spend about two minutes reading it out of nothing more than curiosity, and then most likely decide you're boring or an idiot, or possibly even both, and since it's a blog and not a discussion forum, they silently move on, leaving you to your delusion that people actually find your thoughts uplifting, enlightening, or entertaining in some fashion. This is why I find blogs ludicrous, and believe that all who operate such are fixed on some fallacy of their own self importance. What's that? Why do I have my own blog then? Shut up.