NEWS – Site Updated
Sorry to all four or five of you who visit my site regularly for not posting anything new yesterday, but as you can see, there have been some substantial updates to the site’s appearance. I’ve got an all new color scheme which you may or may not like, and I also added a poll so you can vote on that very topic. There are new additions to my list of sites that don’t suck, and I have also finally settled on my stat trackers. Here’s the quick rundown on my findings. Extreme had way too much code for a tracker and doesn’t work correctly with blogger. Bravenet wasn’t bad, but didn’t do enough as a stat tracker for me, although they do offer a lot of other free services for webmasters, so I might revisit them at a later date. Similarly, Sitemeter, iHit, and Gigastats each were not bad, but did not provide me with all the information I expected from a good stat tracker. So here are the winners, IPStats, and AddFreeStats. IPStats has the sleekest code of all the trackers, with only 2 lines to add to your HTML, and it displays all your information on one simple page with pretty charts and graphs to boot. It doesn’t track referrers however, although they are apparently working on adding this feature, but since that is one of the biggest things I want to see, IPStats obviously wasn’t the sole solution for me. Enter AddFreeStats. AddFreeStats easily tracks more information for free than all of these other trackers combined. You even get many of the features for free that other trackers charge for as a premium service. My only complaint is the lack of any charts or graphs to display your data. So by combining AddFreeStats with IP stats, I get about everything I need. That’s about it for now. Now that the site’s all new and pretty, I’ll add some fresh content tomorrow, I promise. Until then.