News - Good news is no news
Currently working on a new article aimed at all those poor guys with abusive girlfriends and/or wives, titled “How to piss off your chick obsessed with Animal Crossing”. However I feel I need to take my research home and verify it before actually posting it, so be looking for it later this week. So for filler space today I give you Dan’s Deep Thought of the Day:
“Don't you hate it when you're lathering your hair when in the shower and all of a sudden the water temp changes on you? You freak out and feel so helpless cause what can you do? You're blinded by the blasted shampoo and that dang shower curtain is just waiting for your flailing body to run into it, become entangled in it, and make you fall to your twisted shampoo-y doom. Well SCREW THAT.”
See what else goes on in the freakish mind of Dan.