COMMENTARY - The American Terrorist Network
ter·ror·ism : the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
And to make sure we avoid any confusion...
co·erce : to compel to an act or choice
I put it to you that there is a terrorist network based right here on our very own soil. They have access to every home in America, every car, every office, every school. What insidious organization could be so deeply integrated into our society yet remain unnoticed? Our own media, of course. Through overexaggerated reporting and even pure speculation, the media is creating a hysteria designed with no other purpose than to keep people watching or listening to their station or buying their paper. They are creating fear and paranoia in their audience, who then feels they need to stay tuned in order to stay informed and protect themselves, when in reality all they are doing is making matters worse. It's a vicious cycle that's making the media millions. Is this not by definition terrorism? The media entities are systematically using terror to compel people to continue watching, listening, or reading so they can make more money off of them. For example, yesterday on CNN I heard a report discussing how there was a concern that, since America imports some foods from the Middle East, Iraq might have poisoned them before they were exported and put on American store shelves. They provided absolutely no evidence to back up this statement whatsoever. Why would they even broadcast this then? To create fear, so that people who saw this report would continue watching CNN until they finally see the update to this story, concluding that this speculation was in fact false all along. At this point, of course, they will have already dropped several other little tidbits of paranoia and suspicion on you, compelling you to continue watching until those are resolved as well, and now you are caught in the endless cycle of media terrorism. Want to fight the war on terrorism? Bring the fight home. Let the media know you find their terroristic tactics distasteful, and encourage truthful news reporting. I am aware that this is likely one form of terrorism from which we will never be free, but I feel people should at least be aware of it, and see it for what it truly is.