COMMENTARY - Say Good Morning to my FIST
I propose that the term "good morning" should fall into disuse for its lack of political correctness. I feel the word "good" is entirely too subjective to be tossed about so lightly. Going around spouting "good morning" throughout the AM hours only spreads dissention and ill will among everyone you come into contact with. It's a simple fact that most people's mornings are not, in fact, good. What's good about having to wake up, drag yourself out of bed, and drive in rush hour traffic to get to your lame boring job? That's right, NOTHING. This is why most people are NOT in a good mood in the morning, and why they don't appreciate your salutations of "good morning". By saying such you are insinuating that you are in fact having a good morning yourself, for why else would you wish someone else to have a good morning if you are not even having one? Your flaunting "good morning" is then interpreted as boasting your cheery disposition in the face of the unhappy populace around you, who will then loathe and resent you for it. So if you are one of those annoyingly cheery morning people, I suggest you keep your calls of "good morning" to yourself in the future so as to curb any further unnecessary animosity towards you from those around you who do not share your disposition. Instead, I suggest the simple greeting of "Morning" be adopted. This statement conveys the simple fact that, yes, it is morning, without inflicting your cheeriness upon others who want nothing to do with it, and just want you to leave them alone to their coffee until lunchtime.