NEWS- Stats and stuff
I signed up with Blog Hot or Not last week, and judging from the results so far, apparently people either absolutely love my site, or they wickedly despise it. Very few people seem to fall in between. Of course, this may be a bit of a premature analysis after only nine votes, but at least I can take comfort that there seem to be more people who fall into the former category than the latter. My poll seems to indicate that my new color scheme has been met with lukewarm acceptance at best, so I will likely be changing it to something more traditional and a little easier on the eyes in the next month or two. I likely won't be taking the time to mess with the site's coding from work anymore, so it'll have to wait until I have a computer at home to work on it. Which, by the way, should only be another month. If all goes according to plan, I will be ordering the parts for my new system sometime next week, and should hopefully have it built and online in the two weeks following. No thanks to any PayPal donations unfortunately... Moving on though, in my ongoing effort to get traffic, and also due to my own curiousity and lack of anything better to do (what was that? Work at work?! That's crazy...), I have probably perused several hundred blogs over the past week. I have shocking news to share with you regarding the blogging community: Most blogs suck. Okay, this isn't really shocking news, and in fact is the reason this blog was founded, in protest of them, but I have been so busy updating my own blog that I had forgotten how much everyone else's sucked. Seriously, you should just stick to mine, and not waste your time even looking at the rest of them. Still, during my surveillance of the blogging community I have stumble across several very, very rare gems of blogs that are actually worth your time to read. So I am starting a new links section on my page to share this short list with you in hopes of saving you the pain and agony of suffering through all the crappy blogs you'd have to wade through to find them on your own. Look for the start of this list to be up a little later today. Once I have my new system built and online at home, I think I'm going to start my own webring for blogs that don't suck. In addition to personally screening the applicants, I also plan on sending invitations to blogs that I think are worthy. This way there will finally be a webring where you can be assured that any site within will not be a total waste of your time. I think I may have just barred my chances of getting into any further webrings in the future by saying as much, but just check out some of the sites in any of the six rings I'm currently signed up for if you have any doubt that most rings don't exactly uphold the highest of quality standards. At any rate, that's about all the news I have for now. I should probably start working at work now, seeing as I've been here three hours and haven't done a thing yet...