I hate vanity plates. Why would anyone pay extra to have a specific arrangement of no more than seven characters as the identification for their vehicle? You're not going to be able to say anything clever with so few letters, especially since the very few witty arrangements like "SLAVE I", or "NCC1701" are certainly already taken. And what's the point of a vanity plate on your car if you're the only one who knows what it means? It loses what little cleverness it had once you have to keep explaining it to every car that pulls up next to you, asking what the garbled phrase you tried to mash down to seven letters on the back of your car is supposed to mean. You may as well just have a randomly assigned plate. And even a garbled vanity plate is easier to remember than a randomly assigned one, so the next time you're driving drunk, plow over a pedestrian, and try to drive off, your plate will be on the tip of any witnesses' tongues. Got something to say and have to stick it on your car? Spell it out on a bumper sticker. It'll cost you only a fraction of a vanity plate, people will actually be able to read and understand it, and neither the DMV or the police keep your bumper stickers on file. Then you can mow down innocent bystanders while intoxicated with ease, and still share your clever message with the world.