
COMMENTARY - Media types must suck at Scrabble

What's with shortening "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to "WDM"? Thanks to the accursed three syllable W, you're only saving a whole two syllables with the acronym, when "Weapons of Mass Destruction" wasn't that hard to say or remember in the first place. It's not like deoxyribonucleic acid, which is quite a mouthful and difficult to remember, and understandably shortened to DNA. But "Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Who has a hard time remembering that? In fact, I think you'll confuse more people saying WMD rather than popping for the two whole extra syllables to just say the whole blasted thing. I was talking to Danny on this very subject today, and have to concur with him that, instead of "Weapons of Mass Destruction", the term "Big Boomies" should be coined. The media of course could then easily shorten it to "BB", as they like to do, to save them that whole one syllable. We certainly wouldn't want the media to feel obligated to speak plainly and clearly in non-abbreviated English. Heaven forbid they should have to spell it out.