
COMMENTARY - Protest the Protestors

What's with all these anti-war protestors? What do they think they are going to accomplish? When have a bunch of hippie protestors ever stopped a war? The entirety of the United Nations couldn't talk Bush out of going to war. Yet somehow, these protestors think that by standing outside the White House with their idiotic signs displaying misspelled slogans that only half apply to the conflict, the president will look out his window and say, "Gee, maybe this war wasn't such a good idea after all." You're standing in the road making fools of yourselves, and the only thing you've managed to stop is the traffic. You are obviously not accomplishing your intended goal, but you are managing to piss off anyone driving through the city with your useless demonstrating, whether they agree with your sentiments on the war or not. Is this just an excuse for you to take a day off of work? Or maybe you have anger management issues and find protesting things is a good release. I certainly hope it's not that you're naive enough to think that your measly little opinion is going to have an influence on global affairs. Get it through your heads. Nobody listens to protestors.