
NEWS - Uh... Stuff and things...

New site of the day definitely worth a mention, Intellectual Whores is the home of "Ladder Theory", which explains exactly how men and women think, and how these differences in gender specific cognitive reasoning account for virtually all instances of men getting mentally kicked in the face by women. If you're a guy who's been screwed over by a chick and still bitter about it, you'll love this site, and most likely be able to determine where you went wrong. If you're a guy new to the dating scene, you should use this site as your bible, it'll save you a lot of future heartache if you do. Oh, and if you're a chick, yeah, you could go read it too, and then tell yourself that you're different and shrug it off, just like every other chick who reads it does. Also, the latest Deep Thought from Danny: "You know how pretty much everything in the night sky we see has already taken place many many many many years ago? I HATE that. I hate being the last one to know what's going on." You should go check out his post on the evils of ice cream as well.