
NEWS - Sites that don't suck

In keeping with my delusion that my blog is somehow different from everyone else’s and actually has a religious following by a fanatic audience hanging on my every word, which in reality can’t possibly exist seeing as this blog hasn’t been up for more than, oh, two hours, I will be updating my recommended sites roughly daily with the Official Site of the Day. I will not always announce them and may just throw them onto the list with nary a word, so keep your eyes open. Regardless of whether I write a detailed post about it or not, if it is on my list you can be assured that it is a site worthy of bookmarking for yourself. Only the finest sites on the web make it onto my list. Each entry is carefully screened before acceptance by a panel of judges consisting of me... and... well, okay just me. But hey, at the least you can be sure it’s better than reading people’s lame blogs all day. I started the list off with three entries. If you’re a console gamer, you NEED to check out OverClocked Remix. Therein you will find over 3GB of MP3 remixes of all your favorite game theme tunes, dating back to good old 8-bit NES titles to current releases, and they ALL rock. (They DO actually screen their entries by a panel of judges. :-P ) Uh, just do them a favor, and don’t download the entire site in one night like I did and force them to pay for costly bandwidth overages. *irk* Then there is the Fantastically Adequate Hamster Republic... uh... you’ll just have to check that one out for yourself. Google was on the template I used for this blog by default, but I decided to leave it anyways. If you are using another search engine, you should desist and immediately switch to Google. I’ll spare you from me going off on a detailed explanation on why you should do so. Just trust me and at least give Google a try. You can come back and thank me later. ;-)